TMG Languages

TMG provides for using other languages in a number of ways.  The combination of these ways allow a user to print reports in one language and then print that same report in a different language.  Assuming the first language is English, that part is easy; but the second language requires some work by the  user.

There are two parts to the use of a second language.  One part is related to labels and certain standard phrases used in reports.  The second part involves the Tag and Witness Sentences that make up the majority of the report. In the case of the first part, there are a number of languages that have already had the translation work done although the user can further modify them as they desire. It is recommended that the user not modify any of the furnished languages, but copy the desired language to a new Custom language (e.g., French2, or Italian2).  This is easy to do as follows:

When you have customized a new language and want to use that same language on another installation (computer), you can copy that new language to the second computer as follows:

The steps above provide for changing the label and phrases for a language.  But the user will also need to create and/or modify almost all Tags to provide Sentences in languages other than English.  So if you wish to print the reports in the Italian2 language as created above, then you would need to edit each Tag Type (at least the ones that the user utilizes) for each Tag, Witness, and Role used to create the associated Sentence in the Italian2 language.  The following steps are an example for one Sentence:

  1. Select Tools=>Master Tag Type List from the Main Menu to display the Tag Type List.
  2. Highlight the desired Tag Type (e.g., Death) and click on the [Edit] button to display the Tag Type Definition screen.
  3. Click on the Roles and Sentences tab.
  4. From the Role list on the left, highlight a Role to display the particulars about the Role on the right - including the associated Sentence(s) in the Language shown (defaults to English).
  5. Choose the new language for which you will be working creating/modifying Sentences (e.g., Italian2).
  6. Note that this will blank the Sentence fields of the window in preparation for you to enter the desired Sentence.
  7. Enter (paste or edit) the desired Sentence(s) in the Sentence field(s) for that Role.
  8. Select the next Role and continue with step 4 above.
  9. When finished with creating/editing Sentences for this Tag Type, click on the [OK] button.

When you have finished Customizing the desired Language and have created the appropriate Sentence for all the Tags that are used in your project, then all you should have to do to print a report in the newly created/modified language is choose to use that language.  Select File=>Language=>  and choose the desired language from the list (e.g., Italian2).  

Keep in mind that the TMG backup will backup the Sentences for the other languages, but will not backup the Custom Language.  So you will need to do backups of your Custom Languages (just export each Customized language and save that file along with your project backup files.  

Also remember that when you upgrade TMG, you will be asked if you wish to update your language file.  If you have a good backup of any changes to your Customized language(s), go ahead and answer yes.  If not, I recommend that you answer No.

The possibilities available with languages can best be described as one of the least used features of TMG (at least for most English-speaking users).  Creating and customizing languages for non-English use requires a lot of initial work, but the result can be very satisfying.  For an example of a non-typical language, see Teresa Ghee Elliott's Tabular Language described on her web site.  

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Last revised: 10/05/2007 15:47:38

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