Changing Computers With TMGW

(Note: This applies to TMG v4.x and earlier although the principles also apply to TMG v5.x and v6.x)

Many TMG users are in the process of upgrading their computers and wonder what the process is for moving TMG and their data to another computer. The process is not hard, but perhaps this may help eliminate the question of whether you have everything moved.

First, on the old computer, be sure that you have a good TMG Backup of all your datasets. There should be a single file for each dataset. The name of the file should be the name of your dataset (seven characters) plus a one digit number with the extension of SQZ. For a dataset named MYDATA, the backup file will be named MYDATA#.SQZ where # is the one digit number.  I’ll leave it up to the user to determine how to best move the backup file(s) to the new computer although many will use the 3.5 inch diskette(s).

Also make sure that you have a backup of your System Configuration. If you have not done this before, click on the Tools=>Options menu selection to display the System Configuration Screen (General tab). Click on the Backup button to display the System Configuration Backup window, make sure that all three options are selected and click on the Backup button. TMG will suggest a file name of TMG.CFG and suggest placing the file in the same directory/folder that you place your dataset backups. By default, this is drive A:/ (set in the Advanced tab of the System Configuration Screen) for diskettes. You may choose another filename, although I suggest you retain the CFG file extension. If you have multiple configurations, you should make sure that you have a copy of the System Configuration Backup for each configuration with a different filename for each backup file.

Now on the new computer, install TMGW using your TMGW Installation disks (use the latest version that your have). When TMGW is installed, do a Restore of your System Configuration file (the CFG file(s)). Select Tools=>Options from the menu to display the System Configuration Screen (General tab) and click on the Restore button. Answer Yes to the "Are you ready..." question. Select the drive (and directory) in which your backup CFG file(s) are located, and select the desired CFG file to restore.

After the System Configuration has been restored, you may now restore your dataset(s). Select the File=>Restore option from the menu. Select the Drive (and Directory) in which your dataset backup SQZ file(s) are located. Highlight the desired SQZ file to restore and click on the Restore button to display the Restore Data Set window. The selected backup SQZ file will show in the upper field with the information about that file shown below the field. If the file information is incorrect (leading you to believe that you chose the wrong backup file), then you may click on the Restore From File button to re-select the proper SQZ file (you may have to change the Drive/Directory selection). When the Restore From File information is correct, you need to tell TMGW where you wish the dataset to be restored.

If you wish the dataset to be placed in a separate directory/folder which needs to be created, click on the Create Directory button. Select the Drive and directory/folder in which the directory is to be created and click on the Select button to display the Make Subdirectory window. Enter the name of the new directory following the pathname shown (or change the path as desired) and click OK to create the directory and return to the Restore Data Set window with that directory shown in the bottom field.

If the directory has already been created for the dataset, then click on the Restore To Directory button to select the drive and directory. When you have highlighted the desired directory, click on the Select button, and return to the Restore Data Set window with that directory shown in the bottom field.

Now click on the Restore button to begin the restore operation. When the operation is finished, a Notice will display indicating where the dataset was restored and the restored size. You may now access that dataset. The first time that you access a restored dataset, TMG will begin initializing the various index file(s). This may take some time depending on the size of your dataset.

Basically, this completes the process of moving TMGW to a new computer. There are a couple of other things that you may want to consider. One is that you want to move any external files (text and/or Exhibit files) to the new computer in directories corresponding to those on the old computer. Remember that external files are referenced in TMGW by the file path and name given in the dataset. So when the files are moved to a new computer, they should either be placed in similar locations or you will have to individually change the references in your dataset.

Another consideration is your Repeat data. TMGW maintains the Repeat hotkey (F3) information in files located in the TMGW directory/folder by default. However, you may change the location of those files in the System Configuration Screen (Advanced tab). When you move TMGW and restore your dataset(s), the Repeat files will be created new and empty in the new computer. Normally, I just let TMG build the Repeat files as I begin entering data on the new computer. But if you wish, you can move the old Repeat files from the old computer to the new one. The files to move are named REPEAT*.* and there are about eight files. Just copy them to a diskette and move them to the correct directory/folder on the new computer depending on the entry in the TMGW System Configuration Screen (Advanced tab) of the new computer. If the corresponding entry there is blank, the files should be placed in the TMGW directory.

Also don't forget to move any Timelines over that you have created and/or modified.   There are four files associated with each Timeline. This includes an index file (.CDX), the database (.DBF), a text file tied to the database (.FPT), and for some Timelines, a file containing information about the Timeline (.DOC).  You don't need the .CDX file(s) as TMG will re-create those when it first opens the Timeline.  So you should copy the .DBF file, the .FPT file, and (if there is one) the .DOC file for each Timeline that you have created or modified.  These files are located in the TMG/TIMELINE directory/folder by default.

Finally, review the files of the old computer for any that you may want to move to the new computer and are not included in the new installation. These may be in the TMGW directory/folder or in other locations. They may include report files that you have generated, GEDCOM files, and/or custom Timeline files.

 Hope this helps smooth your transition from one computer to another.

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