This article appeared in the May/June 1999 issue of Everton's Genealogical Helper.

The Master Genealogist Tips
By Lee H. Hoffman


Custom Source Categories. Have you added one or more Custom Source Categories to a dataset, told a friend, and then they want the details so they can add one just like yours? You can export those Custom Source Categories to a .CSC file which your friend can use to import into their dataset. It is very easy to export and import -- only a few steps are needed.
     Select the System Configuration option from the Utilities menu (v3.7) or the Options selection from Tools menu (v4.0). Click on the Configure button. In the Custom Source Categories window click on the Export button. All Source Categories are then shown in a scrollable window. You will want to mark each category that you want to export and unmark the rest. When the desired categories are marked, enter a Directory/Folder name where you want the exported file place. Include the Drive if it is different from where you have TMG. Enter a filename -- be sure to add (or leave the ".CSC" extension). Now click on the Export button. After the export is finished, answer OK to the notice and give the created file to your friend.
     To import the file, select the System Configuration option from the Utilities menu (v3.7) or the Options selection from Tools menu (v4.0). Click on the Configure button. In the Custom Source Categories window click on the Import button. Enter the filename and path or use the Search button to find the .CSC file that you just exported and gave to them. If the exported Custom Source Categories are all new to them and have different names from anything they now have, then they can just click on the OK button. Otherwise they will want to choose whether to overwrite or append. Now click on the OK button and answer the Warning screen that is next displayed The Custom Source Categories are then imported. Acknowledge the notice and the new custom categories may be seen in the Custom Source Categories window and may be used as desired.

Organizing Your Sources. When you have only a dozen or so Sources defined, it is very easy to look at the Master Source List and select particular Source that you wish to use in a citation. When you have a few hundred, it begins to be difficult to know which Source is which unless you have some organization to your Master Source List and structure the Source Abbreviation so that you can easily find the desired Source. Some users enter whatever coding their filing system uses in the

Source Abbreviation. Others simply add a code to the front of the Abbreviation that groups the Source Definitions. Some example codes are:
ART Article EDU Education MIL Military
BIB Bible GEN Genealogy OBI Obituary
BIO Biography HIS History OTH Other
BIR Birth LND Land PRO Probate
CEN Census MAR Marriage WIL Will
DEA Death

     As you can see this will apply to most sources and you can add more code as you need them. Some users add the state abbreviation, or the family name, or some other coding next. Basically, whatever works best for you can be used.
     For example, suppose you have the 1860 Census for a county, then the Abbreviation might be: CEN - KY, Montgomery 1860. If you had a family group sheet, you might have: GEN - John Smith & Jane Doe FGS, or you might have GEN-FGS - John Smith & Jane Doe. A birth certificate might have an Abbreviation like this: BIR - John Jones.

Stepping Through the Dataset. Have you tried to select a person from the Picklist, but you can’t decide which one you want because many have the same name and dates are very close? So you select one and it turns out wrong. Don’t call up the Picklist again, just click on an arrow on either side of the Picklist icon. Each time an arrow is clicked, the next person on the Picklist is made the Focus of the View. If you combine this feature with a Custom Picklist, you can quickly edit a specific group of persons one right after another without searching for each person.
     To create a Custom Picklist, you should generate a List of People report with a Focus filter that defines those persons that you want. Before you generate the report, select the Secondary Output tab of the Report Definition Screen and choose the Create Custom Picklist option. After the report has been generated and the Custom Picklist created, only those persons defined by the filter of the report definition will be on the Picklist.
     When you select Filter option from the Picklist menu and click on OK, the normal Picklist will be restored. The normal Picklist will be also restored automatically if you exit and re-start TMG.


Further information about The Master Genealogist can be obtained from Wholly Genes, Inc., 5144 Flowertuft Ct, Columbia, MD 
21075, on the TMG website < > or tollfree at 1-800-982-2103, TMG Tech Support is available at
1-410-715-2260 or by e-mail at <>.

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