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Lee H. Hoffman's Homepage

Computers and Genealogy are my interests

For those that are interested in the house we built I have posted a page of photos of the process.

Here are some surnames that interest me:

And my wife:

If you have family information that does not show, I would appreciate your sending me that information.  I usually try to filter out data for living persons to protect their privacy, so if you have sensitive data, just notes that and send it to me and I will be sure that it does not get published.  You can send me a message with the information or click here to access a Family Group Sheet form that you can fill out here and send to me.

mailbox.gif (3506 bytes)Drop me a line if you have any questions about one of my families or The Master Genealogist (TMG) or some other aspect of genealogy or central Kentucky history, or if you want to talk about the U.S. Navy!

Some interesting websites for me are:

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