TMGW Name Styles

Name Styles is a new feature beginning with TMGW v6.0.  You may create specific styles to help you enter names or places when those are different than the default styles furnished with TMGW.  As Custom Styles are created and suggested, they will be posted here in order that you may further refine your use of TMG.  The suggested Custom Styles below indicate only the changes from the standard Styles furnished with TMG v6.

Some users have created Custom Styles.  If you have created a Custom Style, let me know and I will post it on the Custom Name Styles page.  If your Custom Name is different from the above, do let me know as I will note the differences.  These differences will allow everyone to see what others are using and may lead to discussion about the merits of each. This discussion may then result in a consensus for a de facto standard that most users will find helpful.

Go to:  Place Styles

Comments to:  Lee Hoffman/KY

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